Bliss Mobil customers rely on top quality valves
Since 2012, Bliss Mobil from Breda has been making expedition vehicles that are used by their customers to travel off-road and in harsh conditions. See it as the superlative of motorhomes. Pieter van de Wouw, product developer at Bliss Mobil, talks about the companys special cars and the valves that Tameson supplies for this.
- Company: Bliss Mobil
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- Tameson products: JP Fluid Control solenoid valves
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Modular containers
Bliss Mobil North Cape Expedition 2019
Expedition vehicles is the official term for the cars that Bliss Mobil makes, according to Pieter van de Wouw: “In principle, they are intended for travel by land and to be able to travel independently under all circumstances. It is also called "go anywhere vehicle". In this market we are distinctive because we work on a container basis with a steel frame. With this we build completely independently of the vehicle. The container is interchangeable, fully self-supporting and very robust. On a technical level, we calculate and draw everything in detail in advance, so that we are as well prepared as possible before we start building. Moreover, the technology we use is also modular. If something works well in terms of technology in one model, we also try to implement these proven concepts in other models. This way we continuously innovate based on feedback from the market. "
Well prepared customers
Bliss Mobils customers are almost exclusively private individuals who consciously choose a vehicle from the higher segment. Without exception, they are well prepared if they report an interest in a certain product, says Pieter van de Wouw: “Some people have saved their entire lives to purchase an expedition vehicle. That is why they know exactly what they want, what they are going to do with it and on which points they would like to have some personal wishes implemented. This is all possible with us in the area of colors, sizes, layout and cupboard space, but not in the technical area. ”
Water maker installation
Complex piping
The concept choices that Bliss Mobil has made impress customers and competitors. Pieter van de Wouw: “You see that some of the things that we have been doing for years are now being embraced by others. So we started very early with the implementation of lithium batteries with a very extensive solar energy system. As a result, we have completely eliminated the diesel generator, where it is mostly still being used in boats and caravans. Our vehicles are off-grid. With this we distinguish ourselves, among other things, with smart home automation, a special water treatment plant and the recycling of rainwater into drinking water. These technical concepts are appreciated by our customers. As a new player, they have given us a lot of persuasiveness. Partly because of the Tameson valves that we use in the water systems. Reliability is the most important thing for our customers. That is why we are pleased with the high quality of the valves. We can trust that. Certainly because we work with complex pipework in a small space."
Valves of proven quality
An example of the use of the valves: water filtration system that can start running on time because valves open and close automatically. Or prevent overfilling of tanks because a valve closes automatically when the sensor detects that it is full. The valves that Bliss Mobil uses for this are from the JP Fluid Control brand: “We have never had a customer who had a complaint about the valves. To be sure, we always supply the magnets separately, so that the valves can be used manually in emergency situations, but no one has ever had to use them. And that while they are used in extreme situations with temperatures between 50 and -50 degrees Celsius. I really cant say that about all the components that we use. In the 5 years that we have been purchasing these valves, JP Fluid Control has proven itself as a brand."