Walter Campos

Walter Campos

Tameson employee Walter Campos

Walter was born in Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1983. He is married to Lucy and is the father of Sofia and Isaac. He has been living in Chihuahua city since 21 years ago.

“The first machine I was interested in was my grandma's old Singer sewing machine. I was about 5 years old,” says Walter. “It was a fully mechanical machine (pedal-belt-pulley), and I could spend hours watching the movements of the machine while my grandma Josefina was sewing.”

Walter enrolled in a technical high school in the machine-tool program and started his apprenticeship when he was 17 years old in a local machine shop. When he graduated from high school, he moved to Chihuahua city to continue with his industrial engineering studies.

As a student, he worked some years part-time as a machinist. After graduating, he worked in jobs related to engine assembly project management and industrial supply sales. “I finished an MBA in 2015, and I am still enjoying machine parts as a hobby. I'd like to get some CNC machining expertise in the future,” says Walter.

Work challenge

“I really enjoy my job at Tameson. The best thing about the sales department is the chance to get in contact with different people and applications, so you never get bored, and you learn new things constantly.”