Anju Thangam Joy

Anju Thangam Joy

Anju Thangam Joy

Anju Thangam Joy

Current position at Tameson

Technical Writer

Currently based in


Education background

Master of Technology in Electronics Engineering from Cochin University of Science and Technology

Previous career experience

I began taking on writing assignments as a freelancer and part-timer, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Initially, I was hesitant to leave my primary field to pursue writing full-time. However, the opportunity at Tameson offered an ideal combination of both worlds, which was good!

Experience at Tameson

My experience at Tameson has been positive so far, thanks to the highly enthusiastic and supportive team.

Main responsibilities

Write technical articles for Tameson's website and backlink articles for external sources, develop scripts for YouTube videos, and automate content creation processes using AI.

Work-related challenges

The geographical time difference, which makes it difficult to resolve work-related questions immediately. But proper planning and keeping a track of 'to-do lists' on a daily/weekly basis helps to a great extent.

Memorable achievement at Tameson

App development using Dify was a challenging task as I was completely new to it. However, I enjoyed each step and learned a great deal throughout the process.

Favorite product

Pressure transducers

Personal background

Favorite things

  • Travel destination: Japan
  • Music: Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, One Direction
  • Meal: Biryani

Fun facts

I love cooking food and trying different recipes

Favorite quote

Sometimes you need to unlearn what you know in order to learn about what you want

Hobbies and interests

I often go to the gym, read non-fiction, relax on the beach, watch Netflix, and play chess and carrom

Sports and physical activities

I like to play badminton

Skills or hobbies to learn

I want to learn how to play a musical instrument